If you would like to know more about our groups or would like to get in touch please enter your information in the form on our contact page to let us know if there's a group you are interested in and we will contact you shortly.
If you would like to know more about our groups or would like to get in touch please enter your information in the form on our contact page to let us know if there's a group you are interested in and we will contact you shortly.
Meaningful relationships can be hard to find. Our singles groups are structured to foster life-changing relationships for spiritual growth.
Our singles groups connect with other Christian groups throughout the greater Los Angeles area to promote relationships in a fun, dynamic, and God-centered environment.
College is a great time in life but not without it's challenges. Our campus ministry has been developed to create a place for young adults to experience God's love and guidance, while developing life-long friendships. Dynamic Bible lessons offer the tools to navigate the road ahead. We have groups that meet at Antelope Valley College on a weekly basis. For more information, please contact us or come by on Sunday. We would love to meet you.
Our family groups are designed to foster a relationship with God and other people. Our church is all about relationships, and small groups are where relationships can flourish. With family groups located throughout the Antelope Valley, we provide a convenient and enjoyable place to experience growth and renewal. If you are interested in joining one, click here or just pop in on Sunday and ask about them. We would love to see you.